2020 Calendar of Events
Florida Walking and Racking
Horse Association

The FWRHA supports its members by providing positive experiences to enrich their enjoyment, educate, train, and compete with other Tennessee Walking horse people. We encourage family participation and also welcome those who have a desire to fulfill independent challenges and achieve personal equestrian goals.
The FWRHA respectfully recognizes other breed associations and supports the diversity offered by their programs and competitive series. Our members represent a broad range of skill levels and disciplines. We value learning and sharing with others and we take great pride in showcasing the versatile skill, agility, and style of the Tennessee Walking Horse.

Our Members
Our members represent a broad range of skill levels and disciplines. We value learning and sharing with others and we take great pride in showcasing the versatility, agility, and style of the Tennessee Walking Horse.
Dues are only $25 and expire December 31st of each year! Membership forms can be found here. You can renew your membership at any show.
Our Community
The FWRHA respectfully recognizes other breed associations and supports the diversity offered by their programs and competitive series.
The FWRHA also holds its annual "Toy's-For-Tots" Abbreviated Fun Show that has many classes open to any breed. The grounds fee is one unwrapped toy, which we donate to the Toys-For-Tots Foundation around Christmas time.
Our Youth
We support our youth by presenting them with challenging opportunities and responsibilities to expand skills, demonstrate safety, and to exhibit a high degree of horsemanship inside and outside of the show ring.
We encourage children of all ages to show. We offer a lead line class for children six-year-old and under, a walk-class for children that are beginning to ride independently (but are not ready to flat walk), as well as youth (17 & under) classes.

Our Sponsors
The Florida Walking and Racking Horse Association is a non-profit organization and our events are made possible by the generous donations of our sponsors and volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering at any of our events, please contact one of our officers or board members. For sponsorship opportunities, please complete a sponsorship form here.
We encourage our sponsors to bring banners or other advertising material to our shows. Our events are made possible from the generous donations made by our sponsors.